Waki Hamatsu
EATPIAが紹介している多くのレストランで素晴らしい写真を撮影してくれているWaki Hamatsuさんのホーム・ページ。リンク先では、料理の写真だけでなく人やモノなどの写真も見ていただけます。
Homepage of Waki Hamatsu, very talented photographer who has been taking pictures at many of the restaurants EATPIA recommends. Please check out her quality works in and outside restaurants.
The HT Report
An eclectic and exciting look at the unique coffee, food, and drink culture throughout Tokyo, the HT Report offers weekly insight into new experiences and old classics, and further discovery of what's going on in Tokyo!
内村 尚志が描くのは、独特なキャラクター達が織り成すちょっと不思議な世界。個性あるシェフが供する一皿にも通じる、一度はまると病みつきになってしまう味わいが感じられます。
What Takashi Uchimura creates is illustrations of pleasantly mysterious world featuring unique figures. Uniqueness of individual characters might have something to do with characters of all those dishes created by chefs of restaurants recommended here.